提供:Japanese Scratch-Wiki

About localizing website

Hello! I'm 86143 from Japan.I saw your message on talk page.

Before that, on the forum(https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/95074/?page=7#post-1220108)
the scratcher called koutan1803 said "Maby we can fix all of Japanese of scratch website!, and let's make scratch localize." So if you are admin of scratch or
editor of website or wiki, could you help us to edit website?(If admin accept)I will call more people to edit website.

Sorry for bad English... --Jp86143 (トーク) 2015年7月19日 (日) 05:15 (MEST)

That's nice and I totally agree! Finding new editors for the wiki is very important. But maybe you can find something more general since it will be presented in front of an international audience? Sorry for the inconvenience. If you don't want to, it's okay! LiFaytheGoblin (トーク) 2015年7月19日 (日) 14:26 (MEST)
